How to Prioritize Your Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, taking care of our mental health has become increasingly crucial. Prioritizing our well-being is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Just as we carve out time for physical exercise and nourishing our bodies, we must also make conscious efforts to nurture our minds. It’s about finding balance and … Read more

How to Manage Yeast Infections While on Antibiotics

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the naturally occurring Candida fungus in the body. While they can be uncomfortable, they are typically not serious and can be treated with antifungal medications.  However, for those who are on antibiotics, yeast infections can become a persistent problem. Antibiotics are designed to kill harmful bacteria in … Read more

What Led to the Opioid Crisis?

It started with a prescription. When prescription opioids first came out they were heralded as a godsend by doctors and patients alike. Corrections facilities across the country began to cut back on their reliance on methadone and start giving out painkillers for rehabilitation. Nobody seemed to think about the risk of addiction. And the turning … Read more

13 POWERFUL FOODS THAT SPEED UP THE METABOLISM: They’ll fill you up and BURN CALORIES at the same time

Our metabolism is the amount of energy or calories our body burns to maintain vital body functions. Speeding up this process is key to weight loss, so combining these ingredients with a calorie-controlled diet (1,500 calories to lose pounds, 2,000 to maintain weight) and regular exercise should have you back in your favorite jeans in … Read more